Gregg Inhofer is a singer-songwriter, pianist, and vocalist who has played a significant role in the Minneapolis music scene, and is a member of the Minnesota Rock and Country Music Hall of Fame. We talk with Gregg about his early career with Pepper Fog, This Oneness, Olivia Newton-John, and Soldiers of Fortune (featuring Jesse Ventura), his recording experience with Bob Dylan (“Blood on the Tracks”), his part in the annual John Lennon Tribute concert, his television and radio ad recordings, his work as musical director for writer Dick Wilson (7 musicals), and about his personal rebirth after a turbulent time in his life. Gregg also talks about his solo work and new album “Music for the Upright Walking”. His latest project showcases his talents from a man who has always been in a support role, but now shines bright as the front man, featuring a mix of rock, r&b, and pop sensibilities over a jazz rhythm section.
Daniel Sauter – Host and Executive Producer. Musician, IT professional, recording engineer, and geek-of-all-trades. His resume includes the bands Visitor 42, Gunpowder, Greg Volker & Deer Crossing, Raging Free Radicals, Lower Sound, and Illegal Action. He is also the loremaster for Rock and Royalties, the fantasy rock and roll trivia role playing game.
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Don’t think you could have chosen a more interesting MPLS based musician to interview! Great stories and insights from Gregg Inhofer~ Thanks!!